Mild microwaves, ultrasonic and alkaline pretreatments for improving methane production: Impact on biochemical and structural properties of olive pomace
This study aims to investigate the effects of microwaves, ultrasonic [...]
Meeting Atlass Project
Meeting Atlass Project in Montpellier from 21 to 22 November.
Seminar SupAgro
(Saida Tayibi, PhD) Seminar in Montpellier SupAgro, 2019
Symphos 5 EDITION
(Chahinez BENADIS, Post Doc)Symphos 5 EDITION innovation and disruptive technologies [...]
Microalgae cultivation
(Chahinez BENADIS, Post Doc) In a training on microalgae cultivation, [...]
Biopolymers formulations
(Mohamed ILSOUK, Post Doc) Preparation of biopolymers formulations, Bioprocess Lab [...]
17th World Fertilizer Congress of CIEC
(Saloua FERTAHI, PhD) 17th World Fertilizer Congress of CIEC, Shenyang-Chine, [...]
WasteEng 2018
(D. El alami, PhD) Oral presentation at “WasteEng 2018” in [...]
The International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry
(Saloua FERTAHI, PhD) The International Symposium on Innovation and Technology [...]
Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Biomass
(Saloua FERTAHI, PhD) Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Biomass –Birmingham [...]